Entry #94
November 17th, 20XX

I had another weird dream.

I dreamt that I was walking in a field or meadow of sorts during the night. I believe I was searching for something. I'm not sure what it was, though. There was a full moon out in the sky, but it was way larger than it could possibly be. Couldn't miss it even if I wanted to. I felt like it was watching me, but for some reason, it didn't feel paranormal or anything. It felt natural, for lack of a better word. I dunno. It was a strange feeling.

After a while of looking around, I spotted a figure of sorts in the distance. It was radiating a soft white glow; I'm surprised I hadn't noticed it before. I think it must've been what I was looking for because I started walking towards it. Getting closer

Pub: 1707846140205 Edit: 1707846140205 Owner: satoru Views: 15