polyfragmented osdd-1?

For an explanation of why OSDD systems cannot be polyfragmented, it is because the theory of structural dissociation disproves it. OSDD-1 is at a lower level of structural dissociation than DID, while polyfragmented DID is the highest and most complex level of dissociation. The level of dissociation required to be considered a polyfragmented system is too complex for OSDD-1. OSDD-1 systems can have high alter counts, but being polyfragmented is more about alter count; it's more about the structure and fragmentation.

dissociation in PTSD, BPD, and other dissociative disorders

people with C-PTSD, PTSD, and BPD/EUPD may have dissociative parts, but they are not alters. the dissociative parts in trauma-related BPD also differ significantly from the dissociative parts found in people with OSDD-1a, which are both more clearly defined and act more independently than those in BPD. people with C-PTSD & PTSD (including dissociative PTSD), BPD, dissociative amnesia and depersonalization/derealization disorder do not have alters as a result of these disorders, alters are only present in people with DID and OSDD-1b. non-dissociative disorders do not have the degree of dissociation found in dissociative disorders, and this degree of dissociation is needed for alters to form because alters are fully dissociated parts of the self.

there is also a common confusion with people who have maladaptive daydreaming; some people who daydream for hours at a time create inner characters within their mind, this type of dissociation is known as maladaptive daydreaming (MD) when it becomes problematic. groups of inner characters based on fictional sources or based on real people / idealized versions of real people are particuarly common in MD. as MD is far less recognized than DID and OSDD, this has led to some maladaptive daydreamers to confuse their inner characters with alters. because alters are unique to DID and OSDD1b, this has caused some to incorrectly self-diagnose as having DID or OSDD-1b.


some parts are very limited in their role and functionality. they may only have a small number of emotions, hold particular isolated memories or have a very specific / limited job. these parts are known as fragments. there are multiple types of fragments, such as special purpose fragments who are more limited, sometimes existing to carry out a very limited role and never acting beyond that. there are also, memory fragments that hold a very limited knowledge of an event, and may only experience very limited emotions.

what is polyfragmented did?

Polyfragmented DID (PF-DID), otherwise known as Complex DID (C-DID), is a label characterized by high complexity, and is associated with high fragment counts. There isnt a set list of symptoms that completely defines polyfragmentaton, but it is commonly associated with a few things. High fragmentation in a DID system is one of the key factors to it, regardless of alter count, as high alter count does not immediately imply that a person is polyfragmented. Trauma which is "severe and long-lasting" often causes the most splitting, creating large numbers of fragments and alters; victims of organized abuse are more likely to be polyfragmented, as the majority of research done on PF-DID patients have been victims of such. Alters or parts may be arranged in many different ways internally, for example they may be hidden behind other parts, or within a hierarchy of parts arranged in layers or levels. Sometimes, a large number of alters and fragments results in less obvious physical signs of switching as well. In some cases, there might be a very small active group of fully formed parts, and many fragments who may never front.

osdd-1a, are there alters?

OSDD-1a involves recurrent episodes of amnesia and the same additional symptoms found in DID, but the dissociative parts are not alters. this is because they are not as distinct as alters (meaning that DID criterion a is not met). the diagnosis of partial dissociative identity disorder (P-DID) is equivalent to OSDD-1a, and also has dissociative parts but not alter identities. the dissociative parts in OSDD-1a and P-DID are formally known as less distinct personality states, and very rarely take physical control of the person's body but strongly have influence on the person's everday experiences. people with OSDD-1a may describe their dissociative parts as other "aspects" or "facets", different "ages of me" or "me but a different me". while in DID, people who are aware of their alters describe generally experience them as "not me" / "nothing like me". there is less sense of identification with them due to the extra dissociation, and they seem very unfamiliar to the self. the dissociative parts in OSDD1a are not any more or less significant than alters in DID or OSDD1b, and they are not any more or less significant than the different parts of a personality present in healthy people. just the difference is the degree of dissociation from one another, and the degree of independence or elaboration present. the same types of roles and functions are found in both the dissociative parts in OSDD-1a and alters in OSDD-1b and DID.

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