header ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ vampiric angellovebitten and starfallen ꒰ sacred. innocent. holy. ꒱ heavenly created by god, the purest thing in existence div ext identityghost. incubus. doll. bunny. kitten. pup. lamb. bat. angeloidノpersocom. god's most beloved idol ~ 1! 2 3 4 5! 6 7 div ౨ৎ doll-faced dream boy ⊹˚. the reason why valentine's day exists ʚɞ born to be desired! sweetly purehearted, yet so fragile ໒꒱ ‧˚ div haunts ꒰ cathedrals. castles. ice cream parlors. candyノdessert shops. dollhouses. cemeteries. arcades. carnivals. playgrounds. planetariums. toy stores. honeymoon suites. sleepy towns. ꒱ div prince of the night 𝗓 𐰁 ruling over heaven. angels. vampires. love. lust. purity. dreams. stars. venus. winter. the moon's protector footer

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