theming wip. also most urls are planned to be used bc i like decorating
wow i forgot all ab this. Discord is saccading for trading i might trade everything but th e music urls sorry bc i lowk dont care ab this site no more
music (38) —— pxe, doris, yvestumor, atrocityexhibition, arca, sabbathschool, devonhendryx, pjharvey, azucar, lovedeluxe, huey, ontheway!, homogenic, earIsweatshirt, aaapowerline, icedancer, boardsofcanada, razorlove, aloegarten, ℮, blueiverson, westernunion, trashstar, armyofme, bugman, censusdesignated, shoegazing, shessohigh, shehangsbrightly, exmilitary, iwillmakeyoubleed, mybackiskillingmebaby, deathconsciousness
words (26) —— panama, medicine, hemophilia, monsoon, sentiment, phenomena, antonym, antinomy, abnormal, atoll, juxtaposition, dichotomy, memorize, lethargic, dovelike, dolor, doelike, atmospheric, wavelength, fratricide, sororicide, birthmarks, forgave, pollen
others (10) —— girIfag, girlfaggot, 🦷, ☭, ☮, 𓋹, 🐼, 📟, 🦫, 🥞🧇
games (12) —— eirin, hecatia, clownpiece, yamaxanadu, hongmeiling, byakuren, medicinemelancholy, mountainoffaith, kaenbyou, nuclearfusion, utsuho, borderoflife, saigyouji
trading log
4/6/24 /hinakagiyama for /birthmarks and /forgave