light div byi w/ evan ! sad vitya :(

WATCH OUT !!! im mentally unstable . i struggle to understand tones sometimes ( tone tags are appreciated but not needed :3 ) , im obsessive , im a little slow / dumb , socially anxious / awkward so i may have a hard time opening up and i may discuss things that can be triggering to others . im seeking professional help , but i wont disclose of mental illnesses ive been diagnosed with and my triggers online , unless i talk abt it randomly , but ure free to ask ! i dont have a dni , not that im chill with everyone , its just rather silly to show people your potential triggers on the internet , where freaks can use them against u . i tend to keep things to myself ... and i talk like an old man , srry xd if anything i do concerns u in any way , feel free to block οΎ‰ unfollow me , thank you !

interests ! cat paw byi ! cat paw links back div div

Pub: 1714564900180 Edit: 1714617142407 Owner: evan Views: 2