hi my name is capricious, capri for short. close friends can call me xiao. im unlabeled, she/her, asian and taken. my age is currently disclosed unless i know you. my biggest interests are nso, mxtx, wednesday, castlevania & more, just ask for my list. i also love things like psychology, true crime, taxidermy, bjd dolls, poetry, guitar & other stuff. im diagnosed with bpd, depression and anxiety so be patient with me. i do not have a dni, i block freely. i can get attached easily if i think you're really cool. i have attachment and jealousy issues. im a himejoshi, maybe a yumejoshi too. im trad goth but im also into jirai kei, lolita fashion & yami kawaii. im very ame obsessed. im pretty fun to talk to as other people say. im very socially awkward and can zone out at times. im often forgetful so if you send me a message, i might not reply until after a few days, you're welcome to send another message as a reminder. i sometimes experience little to no empathy. vamprse on discord, feel free to send death threats or talk to me.
Pub: 1705962549815 Edit: 1726378167589 Owner: capricious Views: 121